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Batman Annual


Volume: 1

Publisher: DC Comics

Series Year: 1961

Published Year: 2006

Writer: Judd Winick

Artist: Shane Davis, Jim Aparo

Inker: Mark Morales, Mike DeCarlo

Colorist: Alex Sinclair

Letterer: Travis Lanham

Genre: SuperHero, Crime, genre,

Contributor(s): Alex Inskeep, Andrew Tooze

How does this comic relate to a sacred text?

The Name of Text: The Bible, New Testament, John 11:1-45

The relation: A name of a person/deity in a sacred text is referred to

Main Character: Batman

Entry: p. 16 Two detectives discuss Jason Todd’s beaten, blown up, and buried condition as he lies comatose in a hospital and mentions Lazarus of Bethany

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